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Wishes for the New Year

"Speak a new language so that the world will be a new world"


So much change is afoot all around us, truth coming out, voices needing to be heard, demands for freedom and equality. In my practice as well, I noticed a trend in the last few months, an urgency for change of all outdated programs. We all seem to be rebooting, updating our internal software to match an increasing frequency of higher integrity. It's as if we are naturally downloading the new language Rumi is talking about.

We all seem to be more alert at the illusion created by deception. We don't seem to buy into predigested stories, the kind that stop the soul from singing, the kind that create confusion where clarity would bring peace, the kind that make us forget the beauty in all things. In this season of celebrations, may we all remember our inherent right to truth, growth, freedom from oppression, happiness. May we recognize and celebrate the smallest gift of friendship, kindness, deep listening, eye contact, hand shake that we receive or give. May we become aware of the softness in our hearts, as we fully open to each moment. Our future depends on them. I look forward to the day when we all come to care deeply for each other, with respect for all forms of life, when reconciliation, forgiveness and ultimately love are the only valid currency, when we embrace our uniqueness within oneness. I wish you all a steady mind, an open heart and much happiness to flow in your lives during this season and in the New Year!

Until next month, love to you all.


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Soul to Earth Healing

Maplewood, NJ

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